
Friday, July 22, 2011

Peace- When you have to face the next stage of becoming an adult

July 18,2011

I remember being about a month out of high school and being very afraid of "the next step"- college. My boyfriend was going to Seattle and I would be down here in Tacoma going to school. I hated it ! I cried ( it didn't really help much) and I was really sad about the whole thing but I just decided to buck up and head in full speed ahead. It worked out. Then the next major "growing up" was finding out I was pregnant. I wanted kids,  always had but.. I was scared to death!  I sat and cried on the bathroom f;loor for an hour! I was SOOOO scared! But once again I bucked up and took it full speed ahaed. Then teenagers scared me totally( so I took on youth group), then kids moving out  and then kids moving away...I keep getting these jolts of the next steps of my adulthood. They always scare me but I seem to pray harder and and tell God thank you for where I am more often., and things sort of work out,
I sat this morning and looked at a slide show that Alan made for my Auntie Leah’s memorial service. Leah is my mother’s one and only sister. She was the Auntie who was always there when I was little to do things like host my June birthday parties at her house with the swimming pool. She also has a much better sense of fashion than my mother, so I was always in favor of any clothes she purchased for me. I have mourned her leaving this earth some but not a lot. She was 88 years old and had been plagued all her life with medical troubles. She is totally free from all of that now. She is her young and adventuresome self with God.

I am concerned about my Uncle Don, her husband, though. Their youngest son Patrick has been taking care of both of them for the last three years and now Don has been really sick and had to go to the hospital and now is in rehab care at Lakewood Care Center. Patrick just can’t take his Dad home, the house is not safe for him. It would take A LOT to get the house ready for Don, and by the time it was finished it would not be long and Don would move on to be with Leah.

I was trying to explain to Uncle Don why Patrick just couldn’t take of him at home and he seemed to understand what I was talking about. He knew he had upset his son and told me so, but I reassured him that Pat was not upset with him but was more upset because he couldn’t keep his promise that Uncle Don could come home with Pat and stay at his house. Pat came in and they had a chance to talk about it too. I am kind of the sister Pat never had and the daughter Don never had. I have been a close part of their lives my whole life.

So now Pat is looking at adult care homes in Lakewood and I will be interested to find out what he has found out. I know there are good places out there with good people running them. It takes looking for them! I hope he does look hard and does not just "settle" with one.

I told Uncle Don that day I was feeling like we were in the same boat getting ready to move to the next phase of our lives. He was moving on to be with God and I was moving on up to being a Grandma. He agreed and as we talked he said he had the feeling there was someone he was supposed to see before he died but he wasn’t sure who it was. I quizzed him with names but he said “ No none of those” I don’t quite know who it is but I know it is someone”. I immediately wondered if it was the babies that are coming? I mentioned that and he said “Maybe! Maybe that’s why I am not sure who it is I'm supposed to see!” Well I for one, hope that is true and that we have him around to meet Beebo and his/her cousin! What a great way to make a full circle of life. Thank you God for Life here on earth!

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