
Friday, July 22, 2011

Peace- When life keeps coming at you 100 miles an hour

(The dates I wrote  and the dates on the bolg are going to be different. I actually got relaxed enought to think and reflect and write on the boat so I kept my blog in a word document. I am beginning  to publish the posts now)

JULY 11, 2011

Wow the Blog has gone by the way side for quite a while! The last one was December. I guess that I have had a bit life happening in the mean time. I really hate those 100 mile an hour days and weeks that seem to come at you like a runaway truck!

It is sad to think that I have not had enough time to think about or reflect on my comings and goings.

Lets see, during December I was trying to get a handle on my mom’s financial situation, had just finished one of two on line classes for my Library endorsement and was trying to have a little bit of vacation too. The vacation part I think was optional it was really wrought with frustrations and stress. So I am now trying to have a few days of true vacation before going back home to my last 3 days of work at school, which I have not yet finished, and fight with my mother’s long-term care insurance company.

At any rate here I am now, sitting at Rosario in the San Juan Islands (Orcas Island to be exact) and I have read Pastor James’ Blog and Katelyn’s Blog and Christina Klaus’s Blog and I am more than motivated to write again. Blogging to me is sort of a journaling/ reflection exercise. I need to take stock.

Pastor James was recently blogging about his feelings about not wanting to give up on the Presbyterian Church USA even though General Assembly has said that homosexuals may now be ordained. He does not agree with it and he is not for it himself, but, he also knows there are many other issues that we as a denomination need to be addressing as a church. One of them, I think, is why our denomination as a whole doesn’t have more 20-45 year olds. Why is our denomination shrinking and not growing? Why is it we can’t seem to be relevant to younger folks? Sometimes, I think, too much tradition, too much history, or too much “it’s the way we have always done it” stands in the way of reaching out to the unchurched. In my own family, some of my adult children work on Sunday morning. They were raised in the church and would like to be at services but it really doesn’t accommodate their time frame, and they like a totally contemporary service. Church on Saturday Night? Wednesday night? Sunday night? Who knows? Why does church have to be accommodating you ask? Well, I truly believe in this world we do need to meet the masses where they are, and a lot of them are working on Sundays in the morning. Something to ponder.

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