
Monday, August 30, 2010

Peace in Getting Ready for the School Year

It's funny, I LOVE the fall and the getting ready for school part of my life. fall has always excited me!(is it the "Ancient Ones" coming up inside my phyche that had all the Harvest festivals and Dances to the Gods  for the harvest...? Who Knows?) I always have a fond sense anticipation about fall and the start of a new school year and how to do things better and more efficiently. I always feel like September is the new beginning,  not January. Kinda  crazy but just me.

 I am working in the library trying to get ready for my students and my teachers. Passing out equipment and  help.
 I feel more confident as the libraian this year. I want to share some of my ideas with the teachers.
I am at peace with myself in this realm.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Peace on a Late August Sunday

It is a pleasent day not HOT by ant means but pleasent. I am trying to put together a little bit of help and fun for my son and his wife, and I am also thinking about how much I love to putter around at home occasionally. I think Alan is sort of depressed and is sleeping at the moment. He wanted to go out and hike or ?? but I was not enthused at all and I think it was just so we could both spend a little down time.
There is a  peacefulnesss to the quiet of the office and the sounds of the red squirrels out the window and the birds I can hear.
I am sort of in slow motion myself and just want to feel the lazy rhythm of the Sunday wash over me.
 In relationship with nature and with God, listening to the tune of his creation and relaxing in its melody.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Peace in the Midst of your Family

So it is August. I have had classes all summer. I am winding down and I have two more books to read for my wrap up. I am finally on vacation and I have had to time to read the blogs of my wonderful daughter -in-law Katelyn. She is an amazing writer! I am sitting in the midst of the family reunion. It's noisey and yet gets really quiet at times. Everyone is tired. Health issues for the grandparents, kid issues for the mid-lifers, and work stress issues for the young adults. We are here and comfortable with our siblings and parents and love to be WITH each other. Building community within a family.  I am blessed by my family. I hope that any time we can build relationships we will. God has plans for the world it has to do with the  caring for and taking care of each other. It also has to do with the intent in which we do the taking care. Not out of duty but out of the Love for each other and for God.